Friday 5 November 2010

Risk assessment




Location Filming

Working in an unfamiliar environment

The Licensees to fully acquaint the Film Office with the subject matter, nature and action of the filming and accordingly take appropriate advice.

Appointment of a Health and Safety Representative

Working in a building that has not been used for some years

Commission a structural survey of the building

Multi-level location

danger to crew of falling

ensure that all dangerous areas are barriered off

display warning signs

use safety rails on all stairs/steps

use of safety harnesses in exposed areas

Location is poorly lit

danger to crew coming from brightly lit shooting area to dimly lit other areas

use additional working lights

consider use of fluorescent paint on edges of steps etc.

danger of lights dazzling cast or crew

H&S to warn crew of danger verbally and to monitor risk throughout shoot

If someone is dazzled they are to stand still and make 1st Assistant aware.

Hazard from members of the public/ vehicles not under the control of the Production.

Create a secure area to work in using hazard tape, barriers.

Use stewards in Hi-Vis Jackets at perimeter to advise members of the public of what is happening.


Access for emergency vehicles compromised by film unit vehicles.

Vehicles to be parked in accordance with the Location Manager's instructions only to ensure emergency access is preserved at all times.

All vehicles to face outwards in case they need to be moved and their drivers to remain in the vicinity

Personal vehicles to be parked in

XXXXXXXX to avoid congestion of the area.

Vehicles moving through park grounds

Members of the public (including young children) not expecting vehicles in the park.

Access limited to only those vehicles with permits:

No vehicle is to exceed 5mph while in the park.

Hazard lights must be used on all moving vehicles.

Vehicles must keep to the designated roads and pathways and must not be driven onto the grass at any time.

Running of electrical cables over the ground at location

Hazard to members of the public particularly elderly infirm and partially sighted or people running.

all cables to be adequately safe-guarded as they are laid and trailed as little as possible.

where cables are trailed they must run parallel to any foot-ways and run in the corner of the gutter;

if cables cross such walkways they are to be covered with a taped rubber mat or suspended overhead at a height of no less than eight and a half feet.

Use of heavy or electrical equipment on the location

Potential hazard to crew or members of the public.

Only adequately trained and qualified staff are to rig, de-rig and operate equipment.

Potential hazard to curious members of the public.

Potentially hazardous equipment is to be segregated from the public using tiger tape or barriers

The location to be staffed permanently (as opposed to normally) throughout the entire period of occupation so that no equipment is left unattended at any time. (The cost of this is to be borne by the Production.)

Use of smoke

False alarms

Film Office to be informed of the use of smoke so the local fire station can be informed

isolation of smoke sensor where smoke is being used

smoke drifting across nearby roadway

H&S representative to be aware of the drift of smoke and stop its use if this becomes a problem

Isolation of the Fire Alarm System

Genuine Fire starting during a meal break

Where the system has been isolated the set must be manned constantly.

NB the Complete system must not be turned off if the building is tenanted

Filming on Water

cast or crew falling into water

all personal to wear life jackets

dangerous currents and deep water

adequate life-preservers on hand for those unable to wear life jackets (cast on camera only)

safety boat on standby at all times

diver dressed ready to go into water present at all times personnel are working on water

shock from falling into cold water

paramedic on standby with unit

inhalation or ingestion of water

water test carried out to ascertain quality of water before filming

anyone falling in water to be taken to A&E department at nearest hospital


Evacuation of the location in event of fire or another emergency

Emergency services not knowing if personnel are not accounted for

The Licensees will furnish the Film Office with a crew-list and call sheet prior to the shoot day.

A list of cast and crew on-site is to be kept by the Health and Safety Representative.

In the event of alarm all personnel are to assemble at (obvious rendezvous point) where H&S representative will account for them.

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