Wednesday 3 November 2010

Locations List

Olly's attic: We chose to use an attic as, from the research that Dan conducted, we thought that it was a suitable place as it looks quite dark, dingy and it is very good that there are stairs coming from below as this gives it a spooky feel. On top of this, it is an easy place to renovate to make it look like the lair of a murderer.
The Heath: We chose to use the Heath as a setting for the countryside as first of all it is a big expansive wooded area which our research showed was quite a popular location for a horror film for example The Blair Witch Project. We also chose to film on the Heath as it is an easily accessible place, where you don't need permission to go on it.
Dan's garden: We chose to use Dan's garden as it is a place where we will be able to pitch up a tent in the night without any problems so we will be able to film using fake weapons and if needed real ones without any danger.
Jack's driveway: We chose to film here as we needed a place with a car as this is the first shot we chose for our film trailer.
Train station: We wanted to use a train station as it ties in with our idea because they catch a train to the countryside.

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