Sunday, 12 December 2010

Weapons research

Throughout horror movies props are used to provide a mood and atmosphere, aid the story, create fear towards the antagonist. The weapon for the main antagonist is usually a close quarters weapon as it gives a more fearful atmosphere as they are a lot more grusome. Here are some examples of weapons used in the horror genre:

Knives- Knives are used regularly throughout the horror genre and an example of a film that uses them is Scream. Knives are an effective weapon as they are an everyday object which can be easy to obtain which adds to the horror element as anybody could be a killer.

Axes- Axes are commonly used throughout the horror genre as well as they are a conventional symbol of violence and gore within the horror genre. They are also a very exaggerated weapon which is effective as it creates fear. An example of a film where an axe is used by the main antagonist is The Shining

Chainsaws- Another weapon used commonly in the horror genre are chainsaws. These are also effective as they are very exaggerated, they create fear within the audience and they have a very recognisable sound when in use which helps the audience as it is a conventional element of the horror genre. An example of a chainsaw used in horror is in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

From this research we have decided to use the knife a our weapon for the antagonist as we feel that it is an effective weapon due to the fact that it is an everyday object being used in a violent way.

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