Wednesday 15 September 2010

Film Titile Analysis

From this we were told to answer the following question:
What is more important to a film poster words or pictures?
From that research that I did I don’t think that you can say that words are more important that pictures or vice-a-versa as they are both equally important in creating a good film poster, as together they create the right image, one without the other would not seem right. For example if there was the picture that was used in the Saw poster just on it’s own without any words, then people wouldn’t really recognise the poster in the way that the creators would have liked, especially if it is the first time they see the poster, so they will not know what film it is that is being advertised which is what the people who made the advertisement don’t want. However if there was the word ‘Saw’ written on a poster without any picture then this wouldn’t be effective either as people would look at it and not know what the film was about which defies the point of advertising it. Also the words in a film poster can give away the plot, for example if it the first time you have seen the title and havn't even seen a trailer of the film, of a film through the use of colour on the typography and what font is used to write the film title.

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