Wednesday 15 September 2010

Analysing a film trailer

1. This is done to create tension for example, if it is a really good movie trailer, then during the trailer it will build up people's excitement of it and therefore cause the audience to be anticipated about the title of the film.
2. We are told the names of the people starring in the film as many people will go to see the film based on the people who star in it. For example Will Ferrel is a well known actor and people find him funny, so if they find out that he is starring in a new film they will be more tempted to see it. This information is given to us towards the end of the trailer through text. I think that it is given at the end because it allows them to wrap up the trailer well as after each name comes on the screen, they show a little clip of them in the film. Also I think they leave it until the end to show the name of the actor because most people will recognise an actor before the end of the trailer and it will keep the actors name in the mind of the audience.
3. These bits are shown in the trailer so that we have a feel for what type of action is going to be present in the film, this then makes the film appeal to the audience as the action in the trailer is most likely to be the best bits. As well as the main action bits, the trailer also shows us a few funny clips from the film to add the comedic element to the trailer that the film includes.
The trailer also introduces the characters through clips mainly presented in funny clips to make the film appeal to the audience more. They also show clips that convey the relationship that the 2 main characters have with each other to let the audience know what kinda of film it is.
4. In this scene it includes music that is primarily heavy guitar based, from this I can infer that this film includes a lot of action. These 2 policemen are percieved as being, the music turns into more jolly, this may signal that the two policemen are everyday people, there is nothing particularly special about them. Later in the trailer almost techo music is played which could indicate that this is quite a jokey film as it doesn't really radiate a serious tone. At one point the music becomes serious but even then it reverts back to a jokey feel especially with the type of singing that is included.
5. The voice of the voiceover is very deep with an obviously American accent. This voice was chosen to exaggerate the action element to the film as that kind of voiceover is a convention of action films, however as it is exaggerating, this adds a comedic element to the trailer.

6. The speed of the trailer is fast which makes it all the more exhilarating which is a good thing to do especially when advertising an action film because it allows the producers to exaggerate the action. In the middle of the trailer the speed increases so that they can mix all the action scenes they can into one short clip to make the audience even more bewildered and excited about the action they are seeing on the screen. At the end it slows down slightly to allow the actors to be introduced, this is done because the actors will sell the film so they want the audience to be able to acknowledge who is starring in the film.
7. In the very last frame of the trailer we hear Will Ferrel complaining about the film industry. This is probably done so that they can be seen to 'break the norms' which will give the audience a lasting impression of the trailer.

8. I think the film trailer was more effective in making me want to see the film. This is because it gives you a better feel of what the film is about, especially as it portrays the each characters role in the film as well as the settings and the relationships of the different characters. I believe that when watching a trailer for an action film these things are important especially knowing the plot of the film. However the film poster is quite effective as it gives the names of the actors that are starring in it and, as I like Will Ferrel, I am more inclined to watch it just because I know he is in it.
9. I would expect this film to be shown before films that are stereotypically aimed at men, for example 'The Expendables' as this is the type of target audience that this film is aimed at. Also the actors in the film will be regonised by people who are watching these action films and they will most probably like the actors.

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