Thursday, 16 December 2010

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts

By comparing our marketing campaign with existing campaigns, I think that it is clear we have created an effective pubicity campaign which is accessible to a global audience which is always good.

We believe that our publicity campaign is effective as they all use the main antagonist as a selling point and that is what we want to be seen as the main selling point of our film.

We will aim to release our poster first as this will then create an audience for our campaign which will result in the audience wanting to see more of our publicity campaign. This poster will also result in our film being advertised by word iof mouth which is an extremely useful element of successful advertising campaigns. An example of a publicity campaign that has got an established audience before the release of the trailer is Batman Begins with the releasing of the bat symbol.

It is important to have construct a USP while constructing a film publicity campaign. The USP within our campaign is the fact that our main antagonist has a monkey mask. We chose to use this as we felt it would appeal to our target audience, also we wanted to vary the antagonist mask from the conventional horror mask.

I would choose to release our film publicity campaign on Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, various magazines that our target audience will read, for example Empire, NME newspapers such as the Metro, The London Paper, as an advert on various internet sites and on T.V.

After establishing a primary audience we will then release our magazine which will have exclusive articles about our film and release dates e.t.c. I believe our magazine has been effective as the front cover will be able to draw people in to read more. This is an example of synergy as we are promoting our product through a range of media platforms.

We will then release our teaser trailer which will then give the audience more of a sense as to what the film is actually about however it is still not clear. Releasing our teaser trailer will create a viral marketing campaign, as it has been posted onto Facebook and onto our blog. I believe it will be effective in doing this as it creates an enigma as to what the film is about meaning the audience will want to see the actual film when it comes out. It will also cause the audience to want to find out more about it so we will then create a website about the film.

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